Saturday, June 28, 2008

Boat upkeep

Catalina taught us something: the boat is a living thing that needs constant attention and nurturing.

Our "To Do" list now includes a new toilet, new water pump, new engine belt and a battery exorcism.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Life on the chain

Here is a quick video of the inside of our boat at the mooring ball. This goes on all night long (sans the cabinet doors clanking, which we tape secure). At first it was fun. Then annoying. Now it's just life on the hook.

Still on Catalina

We've been living on a mooring ball for three days now. We go back to LA tomorrow; but hope to be unplugged from the dock and on our way for good soon.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More Catalina

A Google Map link of our current location is found at the link below:

Life aboard the boat is comfortable and cozy. The lighting is soft. The pillows comfortable and the music (our music) relaxing.

Catalina Island

We finally left the armpit of Los Angeles and got our boat underway.

On Tuesday, we left for Santa Catalina island at 7:00 am. After 5 1/2 hours of motorsailing in 7-9 foot seas, we are at rest on a mooring.

This seems a different world from LA, even though we're only 23 miles away. The beaches are clean and empty during the week. There is only one restaurant/bar and a general store. The people are friendly. And it feels like a genuine island.